Flowers, Macro, Nature

Ranunculus Repens…

Ranunculus Repens (Creeping Buttercup) or Ranunculus Bulbosus, commonly known as “St. Anthony’s turnip” or “bulbous buttercup” and as “Alaleh” in persian, is a flowering plant in the buttercup family, native to Europe, Asia (esp. in highlands of Iran and Turkey) and northwestern Africa and a perennial weed of the Buttercup Family. It has attractive bright golden yellow flowers, 1.5–3 cm diameter, usually with 5-7 petals and deeply divided, three-lobed long-petioled basal leaves. Bulbous buttercup is known to form tufts. It grows in fields and pastures and prefers wet soil. The plant blooms from April to July.

The stems are 20-60 cm tall, erect, branching, and slightly hairy flowering. There are alternate and sessile leaves on the stem. The flower forms at the apex of the stems, and is shiny and yellow, which make it hard to photograph in the sunny weather.

Creeping Buttercup was sold in many parts of the world as an ornamental plant, and has now become an invasive species in many parts of the world.

Like most buttercups, R. repens is poisonous, although when dried with hay these poisons are lost. The taste of buttercups is acrid, so cattle avoid eating them. The plants then take advantage of the cropped ground around it to spread their stolon. Creeping buttercup also is spread through the transportation of hay. Contact with the sap of the plant can cause skin blistering.


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